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Tuesday all events in Pacific Time

12/06/2022 8:00 AM
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Sponsor Gallery

12/06/2022 9:28 AM
Land Acknowledgement


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Land Acknowledgement

12/06/2022 9:29 AM

ACA Virtual Event Land Acknowledgement

Tuesday Morning General Session and Keynote - Happy Hacks for Becoming Better After the Bitter

General Session -12/6/2022

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Tuesday Morning General Session and Keynote--Happy Hacks for Becoming Better After the Bitter

12/06/2022 9:30 AM
Since 2020 our lives have been bombarded with negativity, stress, and countless threats to our emotional well-being, work, and closest relationships. Unfortunately, this negativity sticks in our brain like velcro and easily seeps into both our personal and professional lives. Perhaps there are lessons we can learn as we look back and then move forward in positive ways. Starting with the three needs as a foundation, Dr. Dave uses stories and humor as he provides four principles for becoming better after experiencing the bitter, including some simple science-backed “happy hacks” to boost both our positivity and productivity as well as our mood and attitude at home and at work—starting today.

Dave Schramm, Utah State University

Dave Schramm photo

Known as “Dr. Dave” on campus and across the country, Dave Schramm is an associate professor and family life extension specialist at Utah State University in the department of Human Development and Family Studies. From British Columbia to Beijing, China, and from St. Louis to San Diego, Dr. Dave has given over 500 presentations, classes, and workshops to a variety of audiences, including the United Nations and a TEDx talk in Florida. He married his high school sweetheart Jamie, they have four children, he loves peanut M&Ms, and lives in North Logan, Utah.

Breakout Session 1


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Breakout Session 1

12/06/2022 10:59 AM
From 1st Contact to End of Contract: The Staff Experience Journey

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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From 1st Contact to End of Contract: The Staff Experience Journey

12/06/2022 11:00 AM
What makes the staff journey result in successful progress from start to completion of their camp experience? Begin with finding out where they explore job opportunities, what factors excite them about camp, how they embark on the path to apply, and how to express realistic job expectations. From here look at how to welcome staff so they embrace this employment opportunity, are empowered to belong to the community and engaged up to arrival at camp. To round out the cycle, dive into how to support staff on-site so they excel and want to extend their time beyond the current season. Discover promising practices that take into consideration the needs and feelings of staff at every point along their experience journey to increase the chance of going from the 1st contact with camp to contract completion (and beyond!).

Kim Aycock, Kimspiration

Kim Aycock's photo

Kim Aycock, MST, has several decades of experience equipping young people with skills robots are unable to do. While blending the talents of a master teacher with the knowledge of a seasoned camp expert, Kim ignites learning for varying levels of camp pros worldwide through her interactive and innovative presentations. Kim speaks at regional and national conferences, contributes regularly to Camping Magazine and ACA blogs, and serves as co-chair of ACA’s Staff Recruitment & Retention Committee and Staffing Summit. She can be contacted at

Open to Diversity: Resistant to Change

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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Open to Diversity: Resistant to Change

12/06/2022 11:00 AM
Today's young staff are more comfortable in situations of greater diversity than any before often leading them to advocating for greater equity and inclusion in their work and educational settings. Many camp staff also grew up as campers in the camp where they choose to work and are attached to the "camp magic" they experienced at camp. Thus, they are often open to diversity yet resistant to change in the songs, traditions, names, etc. which they associate with creating their camp's magic - even when these practices create a lack of welcome to those who have never been to the camp. This session offers participants a chance to identify the ways their camp's staff culture is both open to and resistant to change, and how their core camp values can lead them into a culture that maintains those values while embracing change. Specific guidelines for making incremental change will be offered.

Melinda Trotti, Healthy Camp Leadership

Melinda Trotti has been a camp leader for 25 years as Camp Director, Retreat Center Director, several times Interim Director in different settings, adjunct professor teaching "Personnel Management for Not-for-Profits." She has an undergraduate degree in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, a Masters Degree in Gender Studies, serves on the United Methodist camp leadership team for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and co-teaches the interdenominational class for Interim Camp Directors. She owns Healthy Camp Leadership consulting firm.                                                                                                           

Protecting Your Camp from Cyber Threats

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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Protecting Your Camp from Cyber Threats

12/06/2022 11:00 AM
Join Georgia and learn about emerging cyber threats seen in 2022, how these threats can potentially harm your camp, what a “breach” might cost your camp, how to protect yourself and your data, and quick fixes and long term plans.

Georgia Price-Hunt, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Breakout Session 2


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Breakout Session 2

12/06/2022 12:59 PM
Guiding Cooperation at Camp

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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Guiding Cooperation at Camp

12/06/2022 1:00 PM
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently declared child mental health a national emergency, and these challenges emerge at camp. This session will give participants new, brain based tools to create cultures of cooperation and support children through a range of emotional states. Our strategies help achieve connection, cooperation and calm. Equipped with a new way to understand challenging behaviors, participants will increase their skills to guide cooperation for the entire camp.

Gemma Miner and Chelsey Hauge, University of CA and Guiding Cooperation

Gemma Miner is a youth development professional with 40 years of partnering with youth to help them develop confidence, leadership and individualized life skills. Gemma has served the University of California for the past 13 years as an educator and author. She has provided extensive youth services including outdoor education, camping, school-aged childcare, and at-risk youth programming. She has extensive experience in professional development for staff, volunteers and youth.
Dr. Chelsey’s expertise lies in brain development, social emotional learning, and educational neuroscience. She uses a brain based, trauma-informed lens to support adults to build relationships with children in response to challenging behavior. She has taught and researched at The University of British Columbia, Stanford University, and Mills College.

The Tough Stuff: How to be Effective in Supervision, Discipline, and Termination

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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The Tough Stuff: How to be Effective in Supervision, Discipline, and Termination

12/06/2022 1:00 PM
Most camping professionals report personnel management as the greatest area of stress in their professional lives. While we may have read the books and created the slogans and plans for motivating staff, we often are at a loss for the actual steps to follow how to when supervising and disciplining. Termination is one of, if not the, hardest part of managing staff. This session is a straightforward discussion without jargon of how to do develop the skills for managing people well. Topics covered: - How to supervise staff based on a matrix of enthusiasm/energy and knowledge - Understanding the different styles of supervision and knowing how and when to transition based on present circumstances - What “micromanaging” and “delegating” actually mean - Specific steps in creating a discipline plan for problematic staff behavior - Considerations before and being fully prepared before a termination - Managing potential backlash from a termination - Gaining support for oneself and the camp while engaging discipline and termination

Melinda Trotti, Healthy Camp Leadership                                                                                                              

Melinda Trotti has been a camp leader for 25 years as Camp Director, Retreat Center Director, several times Interim Director in different settings, adjunct professor teaching "Personnel Management for Not-for-Profits." She has an undergraduate degree in Hotel/ Restaurant Management, a Masters Degree in Gender Studies, serves on the United Methodist camp leadership team for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and co-teaches the interdenominational class for Interim Camp Directors. She owns Healthy Camp Leadership consulting firm.

Western Government Affairs Update

Concurrent Session -12/6/2022

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Western Government Affairs Update

12/06/2022 1:00 PM
Join a lively discussion of issues and trends facing camps in the west.

American Camp Association National Government Affairs Committee

Sharon Kosch

Sharon Kosch is a long-time member of the ACA National Government Affairs Committee and is currently co-chair.  She is the past chair of the Local Council of Leaders for the Northern California ACA field office and the current Government Relations Chair.  She represents ACA on the California Collaboration for Youth, a public policy collaboration dedicated to camping and youth development issues.   She has served on the ACA National Board of Directors twice and had over 30 years’ experience in Girl Scout camping.

Jane Sanborn's photo

Jane Sanborn has been in the camping field for 50 years as camp director, executive director and currently director of development for Sanborn Western Camps in Colorado. She serves as the program chair for the ACA national conference. She is co-chair of the ACA National Government Affairs Committee and has been a member of that committee for many years.

Field Office Government Relations Reps

Bill Beaumont, Evergreen Field Office

Jared Knight, Southwest Field Office

Rhonda Michelson, Rocky Mountain Field Office

Andy Moeschberger, Southern CA/Hawaii Field Office

resource: Government Relations Leaders Orientation (recorded training) 

Tuesday Afternoon Keynote - Legal Roundup 2022

General Session -12/6/2022

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Tuesday Afternoon Keynote-Legal Roundup 2022

12/06/2022 3:00 PM
This session will review the major changes to the law that camps need to be aware of as 2023 begins. This includes matters relating to employers, campers, and facilities. We will also take some time for a refresher on important wage and hour matters. Finally, we will discuss the timely and critical issue of diversity in the employment context, focusing on how to increase diversity through good hiring practices.

Julie Strom, JD, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore

Julie Strom photo

Julie is an attorney with Liebert Cassidy Whitmore and specializes in matters related to employment, labor law, and education.  She is a popular presenter who is known for the relevant content she shares as well as her sense of humor.  Julie has experience on a wide range of topics, including enrollment agreements, employment contracts, Board and governance matters, mandated reporting, terminations, and severance agreements.

Wednesday all events in Pacific Time


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Wednesday all events in Pacific Time

12/07/2022 8:00 AM
Sponsor Gallery


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Sponsor Gallery

12/07/2022 9:29 AM
Keynote - Secrets to Hiring & Retaining Great Employees (Even in today’s job market)

General Session -12/7/2022

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Keynote--Secrets to Hiring & Retaining Great Employees (Even in today’s job market)

12/07/2022 9:30 AM
We’re living in a world where there are twice as many jobs available than there are people looking for a job. People are still quitting in unprecedented numbers – nearly 35 million so far this year. And it’s even worse for employers who need ‘frontline’ employees: Wages are going through the roof – nearly 11% in the past twelve months. So, in this job market: what can be done to find and keep great employees? Eric Swenson has successfully worked with hundreds of businesses and non-profits to re-design the way they approach their workforce – from interviewing techniques to innovative concepts needed to compete for talent in today’s workplace. Join him and discover the new secrets of how to hire, manage and retain great employees.

Eric Swenson, Workforce Strategist

Eric Swenson photo

Workforce strategist, author, and speaker, Eric Swenson is a leading expert on leadership and the workforce.  His work has led to improved performance, stronger employee engagement and greater customer satisfaction for businesses throughout North America.  He has authored two books, “Managing People in the 21st Century,” and “The 5 A’s of Great Employees,” which argues that experience and education are far less important in today’s workforce than intangible attributes.  His newest book, “Weaknesses,” will be published in 2023.

Breakout Session 3


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Breakout Session 3

12/07/2022 10:59 AM
Checking the Alignment: Does Your Staff’s Behavior Reflect Your Camp’s Values?

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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Checking the Alignment: Does Your Staff’s Behavior Reflect Your Camp’s Values?

12/07/2022 11:00 AM
Prompted by Debra Jordan and Kim Aycock’s July 2022 call to action in Camping Magazine, this interactive workshop will provide camp professionals an opportunity to zero in on their camp’s mission, vision, and values statements. The purpose of this workshop will be to help camp leaders integrate their stated goals and values into all aspects of marketing, training, and program development. Participants will engage in idea-sharing, program evaluation, and active planning for improvement.

Amanda Palmer, University of Idaho

Amanda's photo

Amanda Palmer is a third year doctoral student at the University of Idaho, researching the influence of mission, vision, and values on overnight camp programs. With a master's degree in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Management, Amanda's professional goal is to assist camps in efforts to improve their programs through quality research-based assessment.

Decoding: Meeting Kids “Where They’re At”

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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Decoding: Meeting Kids “Where They’re At”

12/07/2022 11:00 AM
Behavior is basically the Titanic…so if we’re not asking “what’s below the surface?”, then we’re missing the key element to managing it well. Effective behavior management goes beyond what we see, and requires looking deeper to determine what’s really going on. Join Emily to identify the specific needs that contribute to an individual’s behavior in group settings, and add to your toolbox a failsafe decoding strategy that will keep your behavior boat from sinking!

Emily Golinsky,Bright Moose LLC   

Emily's photo                                                                                                                

With session feedback including “tremendously helpful,” “definitely not the same-old,” “fun and informative” and “not to be missed – a reason to come to the conference,” Emily is the founder of Bright Moose LLC. She provides training, coaching, consultation and professional development to camps, schools and youth organizations, guided by the motto “Help Others Shine Bright!” She has 20+ years of leadership experience, including 15 as Executive Director at Camp Starfish (NH). She sits on the Board for NHCamps and is a visitor, committee member, NCDW faculty, and facilitator for ACA New England. You’ll find her in Camping Magazine, ParentingNH, ACA’s Project Real Job Blog, and on the Day Camp Pod. She is an avid collector of terribly awesome puns.

Improve Staff Recruitment with A Healthier Online Reputation

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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Improve Staff Recruitment with A Healthier Online Reputation

12/07/2022 11:00 AM
Recruitment, the lifeblood of camp. You need to recruit staff, campers, volunteers, donors, and supporters. Does your online reputation impact your recruitment efforts? And, can you improve it? YES and YES. We will explore how to evaluate and improve your online reputation so all of your recruitment efforts see a great return on your investment of time and money.


Eric Dingler, In Transit Studios

Eric Dingler was a camp director for 15 years. Now he runs a digital marketing agency that works with brands and organizations across the United States. He is now helping camps improve their online marketing efforts with the understanding of what a camp needs and what works in online marketing.

Breakout Session 4


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Breakout Session 4

12/07/2022 12:29 PM
Beyond Bunk Meeting: Restorative Resolutions at Camp

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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Beyond Bunk Meeting: Restorative Resolutions at Camp

12/07/2022 12:30 PM
Simply considering conflict to be a discipline or behavior issue doesn’t do justice to the importance that the individuals involved place on what has happened. That means shaking hands and apologizing may create a cease-fire, but it’s not going to provide the kind of solution that creates a lasting likelihood for improved interactions. Yet, that is still how many of us teach our staff to help resolve conflict. Using the concepts of restorative justice, however, it’s actually possible to help campers heal hurts and move forward positively. Join Emily to look at fixing the fighting from a different perspective – one that asks staff and campers to circle up, find common ground and collaboratively agree on a way out of conflict.

Emily Golinsky,Bright Moose LLC   

Emily's photo                                                                                                                 

With session feedback including “tremendously helpful,” “definitely not the same-old,” “fun and informative” and “not to be missed – a reason to come to the conference,” Emily is the founder of Bright Moose LLC. She provides training, coaching, consultation and professional development to camps, schools and youth organizations, guided by the motto “Help Others Shine Bright!” She has 20+ years of leadership experience, including 15 as Executive Director at Camp Starfish (NH). She sits on the Board for NHCamps and is a visitor, committee member, NCDW faculty, and facilitator for ACA New England. You’ll find her in Camping Magazine, ParentingNH, ACA’s Project Real Job Blog, and on the Day Camp Pod. She is an avid collector of terribly awesome puns.

How Camps can Change the Future of Emergency Response

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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How Camps can Change the Future of Emergency Response

12/07/2022 12:30 PM
Trauma-informed care has become increasingly necessary in the time of COVID, school closures, and increased stress on campers and staff. The founders of Project:Camp will teach the best practices and methods they use to provide trauma-informed care for children displaced by natural disasters, and how to implement these methods at camp. They’ll discuss the three primary tools to take a trauma-informed approach to your staff training and programs.

Mikey Lanter and Henry Meier, Project:Camp

Mikey's photo  

A former camp director with two decades of camp experience under his belt, Mikey founded Project:Camp with the idea that childcare professionals have critical skills to offer in times of emergency. In popping up day camps for children impacted by disasters, Mikey strives to use the model of camp as a vehicle to bring joy, safety and peace of mind to children and families. Mikey is a passionate advocate for the needs of families in the preparation, response, and recovery phases of emergencies.

Henry Meier's photo

Henry is an award-winning journalist whose work appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and the Los Angeles Daily Journal. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the Los Angeles Business Journal and recently edited a book on basketball coaching philosophy.

Insurance Gone Crazy: or is it something else?

Concurrent Session -12/7/2022

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Insurance Gone Crazy: or is it something else?

12/07/2022 12:30 PM
These are challenging times and insurance is no exception. We’re dealing with high inflation, low investment returns, nuclear verdicts, climate change, social unrest, polarization, supply chain and labor shortages, and surrounding this a significant amount of intolerance. Each of these has affected the availability and cost of insurance. This session will outline the why, and importantly the changes that are necessary to secure the best coverage & support for the most competitive premiums.

Darrow Milgrim, CIC, AAI, CSRM National Director, Independent Schools and Camp Programs, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. and Queron Smith, Chief Underwriting Officer, The Redwoods Group

Darrow's photo


Darrow is responsible Nationally for the oversight and development of the Independent School Practice and Camp Programs at Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Darrow is licensed as both a Property and Casualty Broker and Employee Benefits Broker. He’s served on the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Education Committee, has been Director of Camping and Outdoor Education, and taught in the Cal State University System, as well as public and private schools. He’s previously served on the ACA Nat’l Board of Directors and been a City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission member.

Queron Smith's photo

Queron Smith was named Chief Underwriting Officer in 2021. During his time at Redwoods, he has been actively involved in expanding the company’s work with residential summer camps across the country, as well as developing new and innovative ways to respond to the rapidly changing insurance environment.


It's not just kids being kids: Identifying, Preventing, and Reporting Peer-to-Peer Abuse at Camp

General Session -12/7/2022

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It's not just kids being kids:identifying, preventing, and reporting peer-to-peer abuse at Camp

12/07/2022 1:45 PM
Join Meredith and Darrow for a discussion on peer-to-peer abuse prevention at camp including how to talk with/train front line staff on the importance of prevention and identification.

Meredith Bunnel's photo

Meredith Bunnel, JD, MPP Director of Consulting, The Redwoods Group and Darrow Milgrim, CIC, AAI, CSRM National Director, Independent Schools and Camp Programs, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Meredith Bunnel is the Director of Consulting for The Redwoods Group, managing the team of consultants working nationwide to reduce risk and enhance the culture of safety in youth and community serving organizations. Prior to joining Redwoods, Meredith practiced law, specializing in domestic violence and child abuse prosecution before serving as court-appointed counsel representing youth and families in the juvenile justice and foster care systems. Meredith joined Redwoods in 2017, sits on the international Institutional Abuse Prevention Roundtable hosted by SCAN, is a member of the Board Executive Committee for the Spaulding Conflict Resolution Center in Durham, NC, serves on the Community Council of the Junior League of Durham & Orange Counties, and also teaches as an adjunct instructor for the graduate program at the Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy. Meredith lives in Durham with her two dogs, Sadie & Baxter, but is a Pittsburgh, PA native and proud Steelers fan (despite how this season is going).

Darrow's photo

Darrow Milgrim, CIC, AAI, CSRM National Director, Independent Schools and Camp Programs, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.


Darrow is responsible Nationally for the oversight and development of the Independent School Practice and Camp Programs at Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Darrow is licensed as both a Property and Casualty Broker and Employee Benefits Broker. He’s served on the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Education Committee, has been Director of Camping and Outdoor Education, and taught in the Cal State University System, as well as public and private schools. He’s previously served on the ACA Nat’l Board of Directors and been a City Parks, Recreation and Community Services Commission member.

Closing Remarks


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Closing Remarks

12/07/2022 2:45 PM
Affinity Group Conversations

Small Group -12/7/2022

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Affinity Group Conversations

12/07/2022 3:15 PM