All Available Sessions

Friday March 31


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Friday - March 31

03/31/2023 5:00 AM
Sessions in Central Time


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Sessions in Central Time

03/31/2023 5:00 AM
Youth Mental Health First Aid Pre-Conference


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Youth Mental Health First Aid Pre-Conference

03/31/2023 10:00 AM
Separate registration is required for this pre-conference course.  Youth Mental Health First Aid Course will begin at 10:00 a.m. Please check-in at the Weyerhaeuser Lodge between 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Location: Prairie Room in River Center


Sponsor Gallery


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Sponsor Gallery

03/31/2023 2:30 PM


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03/31/2023 3:00 PM

Location: Weyerhaeuser Lodge

Winnekota Kick-Off Workshop with Jack Schott

General Session -3/31/2023

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Winnekota Kick-Off Workshop with Jack Schott

03/31/2023 4:00 PM
Training Staff to Curate Choice: Decision making is a skill, and we learn this skill by making choices. Building choicefulness into our programs is hard - especially when youth don't often get a voice. Trusting staff to facilitate autonomous environments can be scary- especially when they have not experienced this themselves. We will share training techniques and frames to build safe, impactful, fun, opportunities at camp which will allow youth to feel powerful and in control, while embracing the complexity that comes with that.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper

Jack Schott

Jack Schott struggles with bureaucracy, loves fun, and secretly stays up late obsessing over businessy stuff. His unique perspective comes from his varied background. An engineer, Jack took the first few years post-college to travel the country visiting over 200 camps in 47 states. Building on what he saw, he co-founded Stomping Ground, a non-profit sleepaway camp inspiring radical empathy and co-founded The Summer Camp Society. In 2022, Jack trained more than 2000 camp staff at 20+ camps. 

Friday Night Social & Networking

Networking -3/31/2023

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Friday Night Social & Networking

03/31/2023 7:30 PM
We invite you to join at Tattersall Distillery in River Falls, WI (which is 15 minutes away from YMCA Camp St. Croix) for the Friday night social. Grab dinner on your own after the workshop wraps for the day and meet other camp folks from 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. for some networking.
Saturday April 1


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Saturday - April 1

04/01/2023 8:25 AM


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04/01/2023 8:30 AM

Location: Weyerhaeuser Lodge

Welcome & Ice Breakers

General Session -4/1/2023

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Welcome & Ice Breakers

04/01/2023 9:00 AM

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper

Opening Keynote: 25 Innovative Program Ideas from Coast to Coast

General Session -4/1/2023

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Opening Keynote: 25 Innovative Program Ideas from Coast to Coast

04/01/2023 9:30 AM
We are going to move fast, talk fast, and bring the energy. Jack has spent the least 10 years scouring the country looking for incredible (and incredibly inexpensive) ways to develop engaging, impactful, and memorable programs. You will leave with a few small ideas you can try this summer and handful of larger ideas to ponder. You won’t love all these ideas, but you won’t be bored.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper

Jack Schott

Jack Schott struggles with bureaucracy, loves fun, and secretly stays up late obsessing over businessy stuff. His unique perspective comes from his varied background. An engineer, Jack took the first few years post-college to travel the country visiting over 200 camps in 47 states. Building on what he saw, he co-founded Stomping Ground, a non-profit sleepaway camp inspiring radical empathy and co-founded The Summer Camp Society. In 2022, Jack trained more than 2000 camp staff at 20+ camps. 

Breakout Session 1


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Breakout Session 1

04/01/2023 10:45 AM
Day Camp: IYKYK

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Day Camp: IYKYK

04/01/2023 10:45 AM
If you work at Day Camp, then you know. It is a unique place with unique ideas, staffing, partnerships, and problems. This session will focus on identifying areas of your program, training, community needs, and whatever else you identify as needing some creative solutions for your day camp. Connect with other day camp professionals and hear what they are struggling with and where they are thriving. Come ready to get some great ideas!

Location: Prairie Room in River Center

Kelly Coulthard

Kelly Coulthard has worked within the camp and afterschool field for over 20 years and is the founder of Spark 2 Ember Consulting. Spark 2 Ember Consulting provides youth development programs inspiration to create powerful life-changing opportunities for children through professional development, targeted trainings, and program consultation.

Make the Magic Happen: Programming with Values in Mind

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Make the Magic Happen: Programming with Values in Mind

04/01/2023 10:45 AM
Where does that legendary “camp magic” come from? S’mores? Starry skies? New friends? Not quite! At PEAK, we believe that emotional safety and belonging come first. In this session, we’ll model PEAK program standards that we apply across our programs year-round and show that - when we let our values lead the way - we can make any program shine. Join us to learn from one another about how our camps’ values are reflected in our programming and what activities and routines make our camps feel magical.

Location: Wyerhaeuser Lower

Lurcero Serna

Lucero Serna serves as the Assistant Director of Camp Programs & Expeditions at the PEAK Initiative and Lake Valley Camp. Her roots are in Milwaukee, WI, where she found her drive to create a more just and liberated world alongside young people. She feels honored to be back at the camp she grew up in and making the magical camp experience possible for others. She has worked as an educator offering a range of different programming, from musical, to reproductive health, and environmental education. These experiences ultimately brought her back to Lake Valley Camp to offer impactful, extraordinary programming. 

Haley Woods

Haley Woods is about to take on her third summer as the Assistant Director of Camp Operations at the PEAK Initiative and Lake Valley Camp. Haley first fell in love with camp at YMCA Camps U-nah-li-ya and Wabansi where she was a camper, counselor, and assistant director. Haley believes that camp is the perfect place for campers and staff to explore who they are and who they want to be when they're away from their usual routines and spaces - especially when we work together to develop camp as a space of safety and joy. Haley’s favorite camp activities are dressing up for camp dances and theme days, encouraging campers and staff to try new things, singing the Wisconsin Milk song with Lucero, and absolutely anything messy. 

Realistic Restorative Justice Implementation in Youth Programming

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Realistic Restorative Justice Implementation in Youth Programming

04/01/2023 10:45 AM
Restorative practices have been heralded and hated in schools, camps, and youth programming around the US. The reality is, like anything else, they are a tool, a very useful and powerful tool. Like any tool they require a skilled and thoughtful hand. Join us as we look at how to think about, implement, and train staff on restorative practices in youth settings.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper

Jack Schott

Jack Schott struggles with bureaucracy, loves fun, and secretly stays up late obsessing over businessy stuff. His unique perspective comes from his varied background. An engineer, Jack took the first few years post-college to travel the country visiting over 200 camps in 47 states. Building on what he saw, he co-founded Stomping Ground, a non-profit sleepaway camp inspiring radical empathy and co-founded The Summer Camp Society. In 2022, Jack trained more than 2000 camp staff at 20+ camps. 

Accreditation Conversation

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Accreditation Conversation

04/01/2023 10:46 AM
Being visited in 2023? New to accreditation? Do you really know what mode of operation you are? Overwhelmed? You have questions, we have answers. Standards visitors are here to help you organize for your next on-site visit. We’ll show you various methods of how people organize their materials, where to find helpful resources on the ACA website, and be a resource for you.

Location: Oak in Weyerhaeuser Lodge

ACA, Northland and ACA, Wisconsin Accreditation Co-Chairs


Meal / Break -4/1/2023

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04/01/2023 12:00 PM

Location: Dining Hall

Breakout Session 2


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Breakout Session 2

04/01/2023 1:15 PM
Coaching Your Staff Through Conflict, Difficult Conversations and Challenges at Camp

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Coaching Your Staff Through Conflict, Difficult Conversations and Challenges at Camp

04/01/2023 1:15 PM
Coaching Your Staff Through Conflict, Difficult Conversations and Challenges at Camp (Brenè Brown Style): Conflict and difficult conversations are inevitable at camp, which is why camp is the perfect place to coach our staff through these opportunities for growth. Provide your staff with the tools, strategies, and tough conversation starters to get through these challenging situations that will set them up for success in and out of camp. This session will utilize Brenè Brown's theories on the courage, bravery, empathy, and vulnerability to provide tools and strategies for training your staff.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Lower

Kelly Schuna

Kelly Schuna is the Co-Owner and Executive Director of Hidden Pines Ranch Day Camp, located in Stillwater, MN. Kelly graduated from the University of Minnesota with an undergraduate degree in Communication Disorders and a Masters in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. Kelly is passionate about coaching staff through growth opportunities and the importance of creating intentional culture at camp.  

Let's Talk About Sex

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Let's Talk About Sex

04/01/2023 1:15 PM
As child development professionals, we can't ignore that sexual development is a part of human development. During this session, we will be focused on healthy sexual development as part of child development. Topics will include: body image, boundaries, communication (including how to handle difficult questions or conversations), menstruation, nocturnal emissions, etc. Train your staff to help children develop healthy sexuality and answer challenging questions!

Location: Prairie Room in River Center

Kelly Rossebo

Kelly Rossebo founded and has been directing Camp Eagle Ridge for 29 years.  Kelly is the author of Lessons In Leadership.  Kelly has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows including Oprah and The Today Show.

The Future of Camp - How to Meet Campers' Behavior Needs Through Connection

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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The Future of Camp - How to Meet Campers' Behavior Needs Through Connection

04/01/2023 1:15 PM
Within the scope of summer camps, staff are often met with the responsibility of responding to challenging behaviors of children. When we understand and reflect on the anatomy of the states of the brain-survival, emotional and executive- as well as the power of neuroplasticity through relationships and experiences, it can directly impact how we support campers in our programming. With this foundational understanding we can meet kids where they are and respond with connection and compassion which helps them build self-awareness and social skills. Neuroscience has revealed an intimate connection between the mind and the body. Challenging behaviors, even those that may come across as aggressive, often result from a child's attempt to regulate themselves and respond to their own emotions. Behavior IS communication! For this reason, it is essential for camp staff to understand the underlying biology that contributes to a child displaying challenging behaviors. Camp staff should be mindful of the child's physiological state and the environment that may be contributing to the situation. Outdoor physical activities and games are a helpful tool to decrease stress and anxiety for kids at camp. Brain research has uncovered evidence of the power of mirror neurons and emotional contagion that is triggered when we interact with someone showing compassion and empathy. This strengthens relationships and trust and occurs CONSTANTLY through experiences at camp! This type of response increases oxytocin, building a strong attachment between campers and staff and allows kids to feel safe and supported to take risks in their experiences. In this session camp staff will learn practical tools that enable kids to self-regulate and co-regulate including mindfulness/deep breathing techniques, yoga, naming emotions and other sensory strategies. Staff will also focus on their own self-awareness and identify triggering behaviors and how they can respond proactively instead of reacting negatively

Location: Weyehaeuser Upper

Emily Dills

Emily Dills has been an educator for 15+ years in elementary and special education across the state of Indiana. For the past 4 years she has served as the Elementary SEL Coach for the 8 elementary and one preschool in an urban school district in Indianapolis. She builds relationships with teachers and supports them in their own SEL practices, classroom management plans and explicit and implicit teaching of SEL skills alongside students. Through coaching cycles, she sets clear goals with teachers, provides ongoing PD, models, co-teachers and helps envision healthy staff/student/family relationships within school culture. Outside of her work in schools, Emily is an educational consultant for out of school time providers and early learning centers such as camps, after school programs and daycares.

Breakout Session 3


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Breakout Session 3

04/01/2023 2:30 PM
Building a Feedback System that Support Staff Retention

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Building a Feedback System that Support Staff Retention

04/01/2023 2:30 PM
In this session Angie and Peter will share how they managed to give 50+ staff weekly feedback that informed program development, co-counselor pairings, and created higher staff retention. You will walk away with the systems and tools to implement this in your camp setting. In addition, they will teach you how to utilize a feedback system that makes it much easier to give feedback to your friends, peers, and leadership staff.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Lower

Angie Gornik

Angie Gornik grew up attending summer camp and dreaming of being a summer camp counselor. She has held seasonal and year-round roles at summer camp and outdoor education facilities across the United States. In summer 2023 you’ll find her running day camp for a city parks and rec department and canoeing with her partner and dogs.

Peter Casey

Peter Casey grew up attending Camp Icaghowan in Amery, Wisconsin.  He worked there seasonally for nine years, before moving on to full-time roles at camps in Minnesota and Michigan.  This summer he will be running the overnight program at Camp St Croix and hiking and canoeing with his partner and dogs in his free time.

Creating Safe(r) Spaces for LGBTQ+ & Gender-Expansive Youth

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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Creating Safe(r) Spaces for LGBTQ+ & Gender-Expansive Youth

04/01/2023 2:30 PM
This session will offer strategies and insights for co-creating respectful and LGBTQ+-affirming spaces for our campers (and staff). We will dive into the why and then turn to practical modifications and practices to implement in your physical spaces, registration process, staff training, toolbelt, and more to make your camp environment safer for trans*, gender non-conforming people, and ALL. Whether you are in the planning stages, ready to implement or have some experience to share, you are welcome to attend!

Location: Prairie Room in River Center

Demi Kapler

Demi Kapler is cis-gender, queer female mental health and camp professional with a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She is currently the Camp Director at Camp Olson YMCA.

How to Stay Mindful When Everything is Moving - Including Me

Concurrent Session -4/1/2023

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How to Stay Mindful When Everything is Moving - Including Me

04/01/2023 2:30 PM
This 60-minute experiential session is equal parts fun, relaxing, enlightening, and inspiring. Mindfulness is the tool in your toolbox that might not be used enough as a leader/director. Particularly as Mindfulness can and often is stereotyped as just silent stillness. Instead of approaching Mindfulness as a reaction to crisis or the thing to put us to sleep, we will explore Mindfulness as: Game, Story, and Social Activity. These approaches will help you keep your focus through moments of challenge and will also inspire and enlighten as you find ways to deepen engagement and foster resilience for yourself and all of the families and communities your program impacts.

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper

William Drew

A lifelong meditator, William Drew, simply known as “Drew”, is the founder and owner of Mindful i Consulting LLC. As a Mindfulness-Based Consultant and Performance Coach, Drew focuses on seamlessly integrating Reflective Practices and Intentional Movement into the workday as foundational to Transformational Change; Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion. Through his work in schools Drew has influenced policy, help drive down behavior-based student disciplinary actions as well as increase learning time for classroom educators. Clients consistently note increased opportunities for physical movement during the workday along with expanded sense of Psychological Safety necessary for clear empathetic communication and equity that drives innovation and excellence.

Since 2012, Drew has leveraged his experience in project management with Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies along with over 10,000 hours of teaching yoga and mindfulness/meditation through his registered yoga school, Healing House Yoga LLC, to benefit those in education, health care, and for-profit business. As such, Healing House Yoga LLC and Mindful i Consulting LLC are recognized as Continuing Education providers by: Yoga Alliance, Board of Social Workers (MN), and Board of School Administrators (MN). Drew’s work has allowed him to present the benefits of Reflective Practices and Intentional Moment to school districts, community/professional & trade organizations, small and medium-sized businesses as well as medium and large-sized insurance & health care providers. 


General Session -4/1/2023

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Closing Activity

04/01/2023 3:30 PM

Location: Weyerhaeuser Upper