Grant Writing Essentials
Virtual - Zoom
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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Eastern Standard Time
The purpose of this webinar is to equip participants with the skills to apply for grants successfully to support their camp mission. With a specific focus on the Character at Camp grant program (opening January 2025), participants will learn the steps and skills necessary for applying for basic grants, including how you find grants, how to tell if they’re aligned with your needs, components of basic grant applications, and what happens next if you do or do not receive a grant.
Learner Outcomes:
• Participants will explore the skills necessary to apply for grants to support their camp mission.
• Participants will learn how to identify if a grant opportunity is well aligned with their organization’s needs, priorities, and capacity.
• Participants will understand the essential components of basic grant applications and how to complete them effectively.
• Participants will gain knowledge about the next steps if a grant is awarded or denied.