NE Independent Overnight Camp Leaders Resource Community 2024-2025

ACA New England Office, Lexington, MA   Visit Website
Thursday, October 17, 2024 - Thursday, May 08, 2025   Export to iCalendar Eastern Standard Time

Are you the owner/director/leader of an independent, for-profit overnight camp? This group is for those who have been leading camps and are looking to continue to grow in their knowledge, take their camps to the next level, and gain support. Join this group to intentionally explore and discuss topics specific to independent overnight camps with colleagues who are asking the same questions as you.


While discussions will be led/guided by group needs, possible topics include:

  • Budgeting and finances, 
  • Maintenance planning,
  • Risk management, 
  • Marketing and camper recruitment,
  • Human resources (policies, staffing, benefits),
  • Increasing non-tuition revenue,
  • Culture and traditions,
  • Other topics at the discretion of group members


Through a series of monthly facilitated discussions (October to May), you’ll share and get feedback from others, troubleshoot challenges, and explore new ideas and tactics in a safe and professional space. Nick Teich, PhD, LCSW, overnight camp founder and former director, and owner of Fairwinds Camp Consulting, will moderate the group. (More of Nick’s bio is here.) His role will be to encourage participant-led discussions, provide resources, and offer observations and insights from his work with many independent camps and as a former camp director, while keeping the conversation and session flow going!


This series is not designed to be a how-to, but an interactive, live, discussion-based opportunity for independent overnight camp leaders looking to build their network and grow their skills. Sessions will not be recorded. There will be two sessions in-person (one with a hybrid option), an informal meet-up at the New England Camp Conference in Manchester, NH), and six Zoom sessions. The schedule is as follows:


  • Thursday, October 17: In-person kick-off at ACANE offices, 10 am – 1 pm
  • Thursday, November 21: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am
  • Thursday, December 12: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am
  • Thursday, January 16: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am
  • Thursday, February 13: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am 
  • Thursday, March 20: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am
  • March 27 – 28, day/time TBD: Informal 60-minute group meet-up at New England Camp Conference for those who are there
  • Thursday, April 17: Hybrid with option to come to ACANE or join via Zoom (moderator to be in-person), 10 am – 1 pm
  • Thursday, May 8: Zoom, 10 – 11:30 am

Trying to decide if this is a good fit for you? We’d say yes if your job responsibilities include overseeing several of the bullet points listed above and you can prioritize and commit to attending the full series of sessions.


Not sure and want to chat with us? Fill out this interest form and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions and help you decide.


As space is limited to around 20 participants to ensure meaningful interactions, we can only accommodate one staff member per camp at this time. Participants will receive 15 Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for their full participation.

 Price LevelCost:
Collapse group

Registration: NE Independent Overnight Camp Leaders Community Series Registration

ACA New England Office   Visit Website

80 Westview St
Lexington, MA 02421-3129

Map & Directions

Additional Information

Registration is non-refundable and for the entire series. Transfers are only possible BEFORE the series begins. 


If you are looking for more skill-based sessions or other resource communities, please look at ACA, New England’s event calendar or reach out to ACA, New England for help identifying other opportunities to meet these needs.


Use of Images in ACA Publications: Through my registration, I give American Camp Association full rights and permissions with respect to any photographs, video, and audio recordings taken during the ACA event. These images and recordings may be used by ACA, and its agents, in educational and promotional media.

Contact Us

Questions? Reach out to Brian Holihan, ACA, New England Events & Logistics Coordinator, at or 781-541-6080 ext. 106.