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Recorded Webinar - 2019 FLSA Update: New White Collar Salary Rule and 13(a)(3) Seasonal Exemption

Recorded Webinar - 2019 FLSA Update: New White Collar Salary Rule and 13(a)(3) Seasonal Exemption

Recorded Webinars

"Manolis" Boulukos

Member: $39.00
Non-Member: $74.00Your price

Join us for an update on the Fair Labor Standards Act white collar exemptions, as well as camp-specific content relating to the 13(a)(3) seasonal exemption.  Do you have questions about the new FLSA “White-Collar” exemption?  How does the new Final Rule affect your camp? Come to this webinar and hear about the issue from a partner in Ice Miller’s Labor and Employment Group.

By the end of the webinar participant will learn:

  • Basics of FLSA White-Collar Exemptions
  • Update on White-Collar Minimum Salary Increase Effective January 1, 2020
  • Basics of 13(a)(3) Seasonal Exemption Potentially Applicable to Camps

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