Product Details

CAQ Camp Director

CAQ Camp Director

Online Courses

American Camp Association

Member: $175.00
Non-Member: $350.00Your price

Format: Online
Language: English

This certificate course is specifically designed for people who are working as a newer camp director in a camp or some other kind of youth setting like afterschool or parks and rec. The term “camp director” can be a broad job title that includes owners, administrators, directors, afterschool directors.

However, you all share the expectation that you often have responsibilities for the management of your operations and programs, supervisory expectations for other staff, administrative responsibilities, and overall responsibility for training and evaluation efforts undertaken by your program. Some of you may be full-time, year-round employees; others of you may be year-around part-time employees; and still others of you may be seasonal employees.

This course is an intensive 20 hour course built around the ACA Core Competencies. It has been designed to provide you with some of the most typical skills and activities encountered by camp directors.

We will send an email containing course instructions and log in information within 1-2 business days.

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